Saturday, July 31, 2010

The Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research Bill introduced in Lok Sabha

The Government introduced a Bill to establish an academy for advancement of learning and prosecution of research in the field of science and technology in association with the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research on Monday.

Read the whole article on Miracle Of Democracy


The government on Friday introduced a Bill to establish an academy for advancement of learning and prosecution of research in the field of science and technology in association with the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR).

The proposed academy will be allowed to use the infrastructure and scientific manpower of the CSIR for teaching and research purposes and will award degrees or diplomas. It will design curriculum and pedagogy for award of diplomas or certificates and confer degrees and other academic distinctions as it may deem fit.

The institute will primarily focus on research and imparting instruction in areas that are not taught in regular academic universities in India, and also provide teaching and research facilities in frontline branches of learning and in emerging areas.

Importantly, according to the Bill, it can make special provision for the employment or admission of women, persons with disabilities or of persons belonging to the weaker sections and, in particular, of the Scheduled Castes, the Scheduled Tribes and the other socially and educationally backward classes of citizen.

To function as an autonomous institution, it would generate its own resources from funds received by way of fee, grants, gifts, donation, benefactions or transfers, income from investment made by the academy and the funds received from the CSIR by way of loan and otherwise.

It is expected that the academy would produce from the fifth year onwards 1,000 Ph.Ds in science and technology and 120 Ph.Ds in engineering every year.

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